Taking Charge of Your Energy
Guided Meditation with Journal Prompts
Everyone is feeling the change. You may be experiencing this in a myriad of ways ranging from unsettled anxiety to major life challenges and you may be traveling with the flow of change or fighting like heck to maintain some degree of normalcy. Where ever you are and whatever you’re doing, know that you are not alone. We are all going through this.
And although the language is different, everyone is talking about it whether you listen to the physicists, the channels or the leading evolutionaries in consciousness. There is no denying it. It IS happening. The question is – how are you choosing to handle it?
We are living in a time of great change, personally and collectively. This time of transformation presents us with a golden opportunity to evolve beyond our current limits. If we keep doing the things we have always done, we will continue to create the same results. Do you choose to embrace your evolutionary process, or do you choose to remain the same? Peggy Phoenix Dubro, originator of the EMF Balancing Technique
Is there a place in your life where you could use help in focusing your energy to support you? If so, I would like to invite you to experience Phase XIII.
This is a quick and direct way of touching a deep and profound space inside of yourself where you have greater clarity and insight. It supports you in bringing out your inner wisdom during the session. And here is the best part – the support continues after the session! It goes with your because it IS you!
This meditation taps into the energy of Phases I – XII of the EMF Balancing Technique and Tuning the Templates to support and strengthen your empowerment. The session is called Phase XIII.
You may find a comfortable spot and enjoy being guided through the process, perhaps noticing any areas that feel that they need more attention. Or you may sit prepared to pause the audio to journal your thoughts as various contemplations are presented. Use this in a way that best serves you at this time.
You may want to listen to the Radiating Core meditation (below) first to gain some experience in radiating your core energy. It is referenced during the Taking Charge of Your Energy meditation. After each point of focus I will say “Center below, Center above, Radiate core” and it is the Radiating Core meditation that will provide you with the experience of this so you can do it easily.
Radiating Your Core Meditation is 11 minutes and, once learned, you can do it in an instant. It is a fabulous skill to have - to be able to center yourself in that place of calm - any time you find you are not there. Enjoy.
The Phase XIII session is 36 minutes long, without pauses. You could easily spend a couple of hours if you paused to journal. It’s always good to have some extra time afterwards either way.
You will be directed to this audio upon purchase and the link is live for 24 hours. You may download it for personal use only.