The Blog
The Upheaval of Spring
It’s the season of STRENGTH. It’s time to get your energy directed in a useful way towards fulfilling your desires, whether that’s cleaning out a closet or starting a new career path. What gets that process going?
Nourishing Your Nerves
By keeping the Vagus Nerve toned and in good condition, we impact many of our physical and emotional systems and build up our resilience to bounce back from challenge, stress & fear.
The Co-Creative Cycle
Inspiration - This comes as a result of pondering ideas that interest you. One catches your attention and begins to form. You roll it around, giving it more thought, exploring and playing with what it could be.
Your Verbiage Determines Your Profession
I was called to work on an injured racehorse and reduced the pain and inflammation to the point that the veterinarian could do his “doctoring.” I thought it might be the beginning of a business relationship.
Is Your Intuition Speaking?
You are an intuitive being, you just are. And there are many ways to gather information that could be quite helpful. What are your ways?