The Blog
Generating Joy
Slowing down, savoring simplicity and embracing presence. As I embrace this aspect of life more deeply, the projects I do are infused with more joyful intentionality and less with the stressful energy of functional productivity.
Find ... A New Response to stress
We are a beautiful blend of energy and matter. What can we do when our nervous system is locked in the stress response? Here is 1 simple option.
The Upheaval of Spring
It’s the season of STRENGTH. It’s time to get your energy directed in a useful way towards fulfilling your desires, whether that’s cleaning out a closet or starting a new career path. What gets that process going?
Create Personal Space
Do you have the space you need to hear your innermost thoughts, to follow your own guidance and to know what you truly want, need and dream of? Here are 3 steps that will create space and allow a calmer lifestyle to exist.
Easy Self Care Moments
How does one regain the inner quiet or maintain some form of balance during these times? Maybe you only have 5 or 10 minutes – great – start there. Here are several ideas to get you started.
Calm Your Overwhelm Series
Calming your fear and overwhelm may have become part of your daily routine over the last year. It certainly has been a trying time and we all need ways to navigate this.
Nourishing Your Nerves
By keeping the Vagus Nerve toned and in good condition, we impact many of our physical and emotional systems and build up our resilience to bounce back from challenge, stress & fear.
Empowering Holistic Wellness
For too long we have given our power away to those we see as authority figures, be it a practitioner, teacher, cultural structure …
Sailing with Stress
No one in their right mind tries to learn how to sail here on the Columbia River in the windsurfing capital of the world. Ok, admittedly, not the wisest move ever.
For the Well Being of All
Nature has its seasons. We are part of nature. So why is there so much resistance to natural cycles and flows in our culture? The short answer is due to
As the World Turns ...
Yes, our outer world is in massive transformation and I hold to the belief that we will come out of this living much more intentionally, respectfully and compassionately. But to get there requires all of us to do our part …
Here we are ... now what?
Activate the energies within that promote inner joy, peace, harmony and stillness. Fill yourself up so that what you contribute to the world is offered from a place of fullness and overflow.
Your Verbiage Determines Your Profession
I was called to work on an injured racehorse and reduced the pain and inflammation to the point that the veterinarian could do his “doctoring.” I thought it might be the beginning of a business relationship.
Dreaming the Dreams of Winter
Winter is the season of dreaming, of deep nourishment, of stillness. And when we are able to embrace the gifts of the season, we have the energy, the clarity, the enthusiasm and the wisdom to make our dreams come true.
Is Your Intuition Speaking?
You are an intuitive being, you just are. And there are many ways to gather information that could be quite helpful. What are your ways?
Moving Into autumn
Autumn is the season of the Metal Element. A time that all things ‘fall’ whether it’s the leaves on the trees or our energy level as it moves inward, to become more yin, to begin the time of quiet introspection. A time of grief and acceptance.