As the World Turns ...
As the World Turns…
I had to laugh when that title came to mind since it was also the name of a daytime soap opera years ago. And do we not seem to be in one now? It feels like it.
Worlds within worlds. Yes, our outer world is in massive transformation and I hold to the belief that we will come out of this living much more intentionally, respectfully and compassionately. But to get there requires all of us to do our part …
Some choose to work on the front lines, others in the background and still others in support and care taking. But no matter what you are doing in the world right now, the place to start is the same with each of us – connecting with your inner world. Grassroots. At home. At your core level.
What I see are many who cannot find their way home to Self and are terrorized by our outer world and the antics that are going on and so get stuck in the fear and confusion that is so rampant. Makes sense. Who are we being in the midst of chaos? Some are being their rageful emotions, some are in hiding, some are seeking solutions and exploring possibilities. Abundant complexity and layers upon layers.
But again, let’s come home to Self. When we are able to listen well to our inner world, we can access the Peace, Stillness & Joy that lives there. And when we can access that, we have the Clarity and Wisdom to make good decisions and that, in turn, calls good things into our lives.
So How do we do that? By being present and listening deeply.
Scott Schwenk speaks of 4 levels of listening, stating that how we listen determines what we can hear. All levels have their place, but most of our interactions tend to use level 1 and/or 2. How might it be to interact at level 3 and 4 - to be able to communicate for fresh possibilities and ideas?
1. This is simply an exchange of words where no one hears anything new. It’s simply a downloading of the past. “Hi, how are you.” “Good, you?” “Good.” A simple example, words shared, nothing more.
2. At this level, one only wants to know what they need to know – nothing more. Just get to the point. They listen only for the one thing they need to hear and all else is discounted. It certainly saves time and there is certainly a place for this but it isn’t a place you want to share your deepest thoughts.
3. Empathy comes in here as one is truly interested in another perspective. Can I get YOUR perspective from YOU; not my idea of your perspective but your perspective without having to agree or disagree but simply enabling you to KNOW I get it and understand you. How would it feel if you knew people actually understood your perspective?
4. Listening for the Emerging Future. This is where magic can happen as you listen for possibility. You walk away feeling really good, inspired and nourished. It’s palpable. Flow. Ease. Discovery. It’s a dialog, not discussion. Dialog = to discover together, not to already know. You must open your mind creatively to listen for a possible future of what may be possible for you, your partner, your friend, your company, the world. How does that feel? Can you sense that new possibilities are birthed this way?
We must listen for what is possible both with ourselves and others, beyond what we already know. This is absolutely needed now in a time where new ways of being are required to build a better world.
Come back to yourself - how do you listen to yourself? What goes on in your inner world – repeating the same thing over and over and over as though it’s true without question or do you listen to your thoughts, ideas and inspirations like anything may be possible and explore those ideas that light you up?
Check in with yourself daily, hourly if need be, and notice your internal self-talk. No need to judge as all levels are appropriate at different times. Simply notice and, if the time is right, with curiosity and an open mind, take it one step further into deeper listening. Like all things new, it takes practice so be gentle with yourself.
And then begin to practice listening and dialoging with others in ways that open possibilities. However you are supporting this time of change, being a mom, running a business, working with others, standing for what is right … make listening an important part of it.
So as the world turns …. listen deeply, dialog honestly, be curious … and fresh new ways will begin to surface that will bring in more respect and compassion for yourself and all of life.