The Blog
Generating Joy
Slowing down, savoring simplicity and embracing presence. As I embrace this aspect of life more deeply, the projects I do are infused with more joyful intentionality and less with the stressful energy of functional productivity.
Sailing with Stress
No one in their right mind tries to learn how to sail here on the Columbia River in the windsurfing capital of the world. Ok, admittedly, not the wisest move ever.
Why Me, Why Now
Too often we are sold a quick fix to get rid of the discomfort. It may or may not work but either way, to bypass the real issue that is coming to light is doing a disservice to you, your life and all others
The Co-Creative Cycle
Inspiration - This comes as a result of pondering ideas that interest you. One catches your attention and begins to form. You roll it around, giving it more thought, exploring and playing with what it could be.
As the World Turns ...
Yes, our outer world is in massive transformation and I hold to the belief that we will come out of this living much more intentionally, respectfully and compassionately. But to get there requires all of us to do our part …
Here we are ... now what?
Activate the energies within that promote inner joy, peace, harmony and stillness. Fill yourself up so that what you contribute to the world is offered from a place of fullness and overflow.
Is Your Intuition Speaking?
You are an intuitive being, you just are. And there are many ways to gather information that could be quite helpful. What are your ways?
Moving Into autumn
Autumn is the season of the Metal Element. A time that all things ‘fall’ whether it’s the leaves on the trees or our energy level as it moves inward, to become more yin, to begin the time of quiet introspection. A time of grief and acceptance.